Yesterday was our 6-month anniversary...
Or our "sixth monthaversary..."
or our "Half-anniversary..."
or our "Halfversary..."
or our "Anniv..."
I know a lot of you are saying "wow, big whoop...6 months..."
Well, for me, it is a huge deal. I've never dated anyone for more than 4 months until I met Alex. And every month, every day...every minute I love her more.
Alas, we didn't get to spend too much of it together - she had class that evening (well, she has class EVERY and didn't get home until 9ish.
Now keep in mind that we think certain things are very cool that others may think are pretty bland...I just want everyone to know that when I say what we gave and got.
I got a tie.
She got a pen.
See - I know everyone is furrowing their brow saying "what the hell kind of halfversary presents are those?"
I love ties...I have a very large collection of them and wear them to work most days. I love getting new and cool ties - and this one was very cool - showing ancient maps and star charts, picked up at the USS Constitution in Boston. Sorry - I couldn't find a picture of the exact tie I got. :(
She has a thing for pens - and I'm not talking Bic here - I mean one of those "don't lend to other people so they don't walk off with it" "price of a fairly decent dinner for two" kind of pens. She got it and immediately started writing with of the lines was "I don't think I'll speak again - I will write everything down with my new wonderful pen." This is actually, the exact pen she got.
Anyway, today is the first day of our next six months together. I cannot wait until the beginning of the six after that...and the six after that...and the six-hundred after that...
Or our "sixth monthaversary..."
or our "Half-anniversary..."
or our "Halfversary..."
or our "Anniv..."
I know a lot of you are saying "wow, big whoop...6 months..."
Well, for me, it is a huge deal. I've never dated anyone for more than 4 months until I met Alex. And every month, every day...every minute I love her more.
Alas, we didn't get to spend too much of it together - she had class that evening (well, she has class EVERY and didn't get home until 9ish.
Now keep in mind that we think certain things are very cool that others may think are pretty bland...I just want everyone to know that when I say what we gave and got.
I got a tie.
She got a pen.
See - I know everyone is furrowing their brow saying "what the hell kind of halfversary presents are those?"

Anyway, today is the first day of our next six months together. I cannot wait until the beginning of the six after that...and the six after that...and the six-hundred after that...
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