Moments of Idyll - Our First Weekend Together

I got Brian from Friday around 10 p.m. to Sunday close to 2:00 p.m., minus a few hours during the day on Saturday. This was our first time to spend two nights together, and so many hours in a row.
Sweet moments of idyll, my friends. For those of you have been in love, recall your first few weeks of heady romance. For those of you that haven't, I hope someday you get to experience what we are feeling. For both groups, imagine a wonderful late spring evening in Forest Park, clear skies so that the stars and half-sliver moon accompany you, Shakespeare's eloquent lines ringing out into the night, a warm blanket to snuggle under, and your honey close by, avidly soaking up the play while occasionally running his hand down your arm or touching your back to let you know he's thinking of you. Now that, my friends, is a date.

This after our first night together, shopping for summer shoes the next morning (nothing so fancy as the Jimmy Choos shown). How hooked is he, that he spent 45 minutes giving me his feedback on this pair or that pair of sandals?? :-) And Sunday morning, oh, so glorious a Sunday morning. A late, late morning, snuggling and cuddling, and then some fireworks... Mmm... yummy... Honestly, to whomsoever might be reading this (if anyone), can you think of anything better than that? I can't.
Unfortunately, reality cut in. Brian and his relatives are going through what is probably one of the greatest challenges that life can throw at a family. He had to leave, but not before thanking me for standing by him during this tough time. I worry, my friends, that I will not have the strength of character needed to do right by him. I absolutely want to, but my own reserves are low due to my sister's divorce and my mother's two hospitalizations last year, as well as a professionally challenging period. In short, 2005 was a bit of a nightmare. I've told Brian all of this, so it's not news to him, but I'm sending this out to the universe (whether or not anyone is actually reading this) and asking the great spirit for the strength and courage that I need to support Brian as best I can through this.
In the meantime, I treasure our moments of idyll, holding them close to my heart like so many pressed flowers, to be pulled out from time to time so that we might remember the warmth and affection steadily growing between us. And yes, love, too.

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