Saturday, February 03, 2007

Lazy day

Today we did nothing.

Well, obviously not nothing...but...well, let me es'plain...

January was a very stressful month. We got engaged, told everyone, went to a B&B, Alex had a conference, we had a Christmas Party, my work's becoming more stressful, and we finished moving me into Alex's (now our) place. Just off the top of my head. I'm sure if I thought about it, I could come up with half a dozen more things that happened. Nothing too bad, but everything was in a three week period. We needed some serious down time.

So today we did a whole lot of nothing. Slept late. Puttered around the house. I made French Toast for breakfast...the most strenuous things I did was pay bills and do laundry...we took a nap...wrote a blog entry...watched some Food Network...made not a whole lot of anything going on....

There is a great releif in knowing that nothing has to be done in a quick fashion.

I know with our wedding coming up, we will have many days and weeks where we'll have so much to do we won't know what day it is. As such, I will treasure days like this with Alex.