Saturday, March 24, 2007

Itty bitty binkie pooh

So a week ago today (the same night our neighbors got robbed), Brian and I are walking around at Target after having a really nice meal at Cunnetto's with a friend of mine and her husband (we really did have a great time). Anyway, Brian's in electronics and I'm wandering over toward women's clothes, and on one of the endcaps, I see a bunch of Classic Pooh baby stuff. Now, I as a young adult working but still living at home bought myself a whole bunch of Classic Pooh stuffed animals, probably fulfilling some thwarted childhood need. Those toys were long ago bequeathed to the actual children in the family. But I'm still a sucker for it.

One item that particularly hit home was this little itty bitty binkie pooh (a pacifier clip). I picked it up and threw it in the cart, to show it to Brian whenever he caught up with me. When he did a short while later, I showed it to him and he responded with a great big "aaaaaaaaaw!" I made some movement to set it down somewhere - being brutally honest, I would not have walked it all the way back to the place in the store where I had got it from (I do sometimes, but I was being especially lazy that day) - but Brian says, "Well, how much is it?" I don't know, I say, may four bucks or something. So he throws it into the cart.

Hmmm. Now, as a woman, I've already felt Brian out in terms of kids, the future, and stuff. Hello. We're getting married. So unlike some other couples that later get divorced because they find out the one wants ten kids, the other none -- the topic of children with their spouse never having come up apparently -- we thought it was a fine idea to talk about some of these things before the wedding. And that evening, I did not pick up the itty bitty binkie pooh with the intent of buying it, again being totally honest. And when we ran to Target again last nite (I think we should buy Target stock), I said "We're not buying any baby stuff tonite!!!" Although we did look. But last nite is not the point - that evening, Brian threw the itty bitty binkie pooh back into the cart. Hmmm.

We're both committed to no pregnancies before the wedding, but what are the odds we're going to be waiting a long time after the wedding? At least a little while, hopefully, to recover financially and emotionally from the wedding process. Plus, we'd like a some time to ourselves, maybe the first year or two. But it really is going to be more of a God and nature thing for us, so who knows what the time frame will end up being?