
OK, it's Lent. Not really Alleluliah season yet. But we just got an email from the priest who is a friend of my family's (a good, good friend that goes back to my 6th or 7th year of age and his pre-ordination days, and has been with us for many family milestones, e.g., first holy communions, marriages, anniversary masses, etc.) . Assuming I am a practicing Catholic, he will marry us even if Brian is agnostic. We've had a rather extensive email conversation these last couple of weeks, and specifically, he said: "Brian has more faith than he gives himself credit for... because: the one who seeks, finds. If he is seeking, I call that faith. Of course!! I will still marry you. abrazotes........ J"
Things got rather stressful a couple of weeks ago when we met with the family friend of Brian's family, who is (was?) slated to concelebrate with Jaimísimo and handle our pre-cana. We wanted to mention our concerns with the Church and Brian's agnosticism before we were under any time pressure for the wedding. He reacted nicely but did not seem very open to the idea of Brian's agnosticism. In fact, he said he thought it would preclude a Catholic wedding. Ouch. We then talked to three other priests, none of whom seemed quite as alarmed about the agnosticism. Apparently, it's rather commonplace for Catholics to marry people outside of the faith. In fact, Brian's mom (staunch Catholic) married Brian's dad (Lutheran/Evangelical & Reformed) and lived a happy 36 years with him. So we asked our concelebrant Jaimísimo specifically what his position on the issue would be, and received above response.
So it's our alleluiah time.

Oh, and I almost forgot: Props to my man for writing me a po-ëm. And not even on a Valentine's Day or anniversary or anything!
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