Saturday, April 05, 2008

"I want my spectacular back"

Brian is actually back now, thankfully. The previous post was only up for a short while a couple of days ago before we thought better of announcing to the whole world that I was alone for 2 weeks. I used to live alone, but it just seemed more prudent. And I held off from blogging about his absence for the same reason and since, while he was gone, that was totally what was on my mind, I didn't blog at all.

But now he's back. While he was gone, a good friend from work would check in on me periodically, asking me how I was doing. When he asked last Monday, Brian had been gone a week at that point. I told him that he (my friend) had actually made me cry. He was a little startled but asked what I meant. Well, I said, you usually ask me how my weekend went. And several times now since I've met Brian, I've said "Spectacular. We had a spectacular weekend. We did this and this and this, and then that and that and that. It was just spectacular." Well, this weekend, I got a lot done, I took a walk, bla bla bla. But the house felt empty without Brian and he's already been gone so long, it was just that much harder. So I knew if you asked me on Monday how my weekend went, I would say, "Fine but not spectacular." And that made me cry, because I missed him all the more poignantly. So I want my spectacular back, I say to him. He (this friend) says he understands what I mean now.

Seriously, Brian brings such a dimension to my life. It can be challenging sometimes, but I will take a full and messy house over a clean and empty one ANY DAY. I'm so serious and always thinking about heavy stuff and he draws out a lighter, more fun-loving part of me. He says, "Rott Road, Raggy" as we drive by Rott Road on the way to his sister's from the airport. What? "That sounds like something Scooby Doo would say - Rott Road, Raggy." Say what you will about both of our senses of humor, but it made me laugh.

We hung out with his family last night because one of his sisters had surgery, so we went straight there from the airport. Very mellow, very pleasant. And since she and her roommate entertain a lot, they keep a nicely stocked cabinet, so the cranberry juice + cherry vodka things were nice. Although I drank Brian's 'cause it was too strong for him, and then he drove home.

And we got here, I swear the dogs leapt clear off the floor several times, and were wagging their tails so hard their entire butts were wagging and they were wiggling and and racing around, jumping and sniffing his pants and luggage. They were ecstatic that he was home. As am I. My spectacular is back. And just in time for the weekend, too!