Knittin' bug

Just a quick entry to say that I am knitting these days. Below are pictures of my loving husband and dogs restin' and reraxin' while I knit. I finished Bob's scarf (more on that in the next entry) that is the grey one below, on the towels drying after I washed and blocked it.
Next are pictures related to my current project - a ruana shawl from the Folk Shawl book. Honestly, a lovely, lovely book. Most of the shawls are pretty complicated but there are several that I think I am able to tackle now and a few that I think I will be able to tackle soon enough. The most difficult will just have to wait! Some projects I've been really excited about, thinking I can't wait to finish the next row or stripe or whatever to see what the next effect will be. Only one other has been a little ho-hummy for me, an alpaca neck-warmer that I'm making for my sister. The yarn is beautiful but I didn't want to make another scarf, I wanted to make a hat and actually had about a fourth of it on my brand new set of circular needles when one of the dogs decided the bamboo needles might feel good to chew on, you know, sink your teeth into. Well, thankfully, the goofball didn't swallow any of it, she just left them all over the floor in little bits and pieces. And I haven't had a chance to get back to the store to get new ones, so I decided to make another scarf, and have not been that enthused... I have to finish it though, because I want to give it to my sister next week - where she lives, it will be cold until June, so it'll still be useful to her.
Anyway, the ruana - soooo lovin' it. Every row is great, 'cause I'm switching out the yarn very frequently, as called for in the pattern - all shades of blue and grey. Brian's holding up what I had yesterday, a long skinny strip, and farther below, what I've got done tonight, minus a couple more rows that I did after I took the picture. Actually, the picture of me above is closer, although it's still missing one or two rows from where the project stands right now.
The picture of the travel books have nothing to do with this blog entry, they're just a dream right now, a dream for maybe this time next year. We have a dream.
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