Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
So Brian and I have gone to Boston by plane, and Kentucky by automobile. We had planned to go to Chicago by train, but were dropped off at the train station only to find out that due to some delays, it would be 8 hours before we got to Chicago. We called a friend to pick us up and take us back to our house - even though we lost an hour with the whole fruitless train station thing, we still got to Chicago about 2 hrs before the train did.
Once there, we went to Navy Pier and sailed on a boat. Beautiful weather, although not very windy.
Then, making our way to
Friday, we went out for breakfast to Ann Sather, in Andersonville. A little disappointing, as the former owner, Debbie, has re-sold the restaurant to her brother. It's all in the family, but it's not the same - he took down some of the wall decorations that made the place unique, as she had traveled a lot and brought things back for the restaurant; he changed the menu, did away with the frequent flyer card system... Sometimes I wonder if I'm bothered just because something has changed, but in this case, the change itself isn't the issue, it's what the new owner's decisions have done - they've removed some of the character, made it a more generic atmosphere, more just a plain diner, and that's reflected in the food as well. But still good diner food.
From there, to meet with a shaman, a Blackfoot elder, for a cleansing and blessing, in preparation for our marriage. Awesome, but intense. Intense, but awesome. And a beautiful expression of my/our faith.
On Saturday, a long walk on the lake with my sister. Talk about the sick man that persists in stalking her. Surprise, pleasure, and pride at her continued strength. And, as always, being impressed with who she is and the cool things she does.
Then, a White Sox game at Comiskey Park. Yes, it's still Comiskey Park for me, not U.S. Cellular Field. Could they come up with a drabber name? One with less character? Why not leave it
Sunday, relaxing and then leaving to get home at a decent time. Hard to leave my sister with el Sicko-Man Freakazoid around (he really just needs to get medicated or move somewhere far, far away), but knowing I'll see her in a few days for graduation weekend makes it easier.
The best part of it all? Another good trip with Brian. Still second to that glorious trip to Kentucky, but a close second. I love that Brian and I just have fun together. Just plain have fun.
Now, about this awesome list in the previous entry. What do you say when somebody just blows you away with their love, their kindness, of a kind you've never experienced before? Maybe just that I love you, Brian. I love you, too.