Good heavens, the last post was months and months ago
So when I thought of blogging, I'd think of these projects but they were X-mas presents so I couldn't blog about them. Didn't feel like blogging without mentioning the gi-normous amount of needlework I was doing, so... no blogging.
Next, Gally's surgery (mentioned in the preceding post) at the end of August '08. All went well, but we were... challenged... by the whole process. He had to be separated from all of us in an enclosure of our own making because he really wasn't supposed to move the leg a lot except in specific ways. The enclosure was of our own making because there was nothing that we could find on the market that was large enough for his needs but then again small enough so that he didn't have too much movement. So 8 weeks of carrying then supporting him every time he went in or out, new rugs on the kitchen floor so he wouldn't slip, monitoring his food very closely so he wouldn't gain weight, putting a TV on the first floor in case we wanted to watch a movie so he wouldn't be by himself (the regular TV is in the TV room on our 2nd floor), and even then only being able to be close to his enclosure because he still had to be separated so he wouldn't get too much movement... You think your dog gives you baleful eyes when you leave for work. Try sitting 10 feet away from him with his life-long pal at your feet, while he stares at everyone glumly through the grate of his enclosure... Just loads of fun.
And yet, when I see him bouncing around in the back yard, objecting stridently to the mere notion of any squirrels passing by that dare think they might come in our yard, or making sure everyone within a 5 block radius knows that someone is coming down our alley, or running around, trying to steal a ball or stick from Nenny, it was all worth while. I mean, who wants to go to England on vacation anyway, to see some dude in a Shakespearian play?
It was either use our vacation time and money for the surgery or make a horribly, horribly difficult decision. So surgery it was. His little soul gets to stay with our family for that much longer.
And you know the best part? At least, the best part for me, who had the dogs pre-Brian and who hadn't encountered a major pet expense with Brian yet? Brian didn't bat an eye. No questions asked, we want to take a vacation but we need the surgery, so not a problem. Pretty nifty for a brand new dog daddy.
On with the chronology - of course, the holidays, lots of family event but more manageable every year.
...Well, I was going to continue with this entry but then my lovely hubbie came home and we had a nice dinner, took care of some home organization stuff that we had talked about earlier today (we check in with each other a couple of times a day), and then watched Lost & Life on Mars. I'm ready for Lost to be over and am mildly intrigued by Life on Mars. Anything's passable as long as one is knitting. Or crocheting, as was the case tonight. So I'll have to continue blogging sometime soon, 'cause I'm gettin' in bed to read...