Assignment 5
TITLE: Red Berry Things, 9/26/09
My husband's relatives have some land out in the De Soto area, about 1 hr, 15 min from St. Louis. It's lovely out there; they're wealthy, so they have all the amenities plus fresh country air, etc. I love going out there, because I get to enjoy the fruits of all their labors, which they are very generous with. Granted, only when I'm invited, but still, it makes for a nice day out. The funny thing is, we had hail on the way there. I was thinking, so much for my nature pictures. But then, the storm passed, and we had a solid 3 hours of nice weather mid-afternoon. Then a little more rain. I think these red berry things were weeds of some kind, because they were everywhere.
TITLE: Reflection on the Lake
Lake edge, Rich & Bernie's. You could read this picture left to right or right to left, depending on what your cultural custom or preference is. I was just talking to my husband about how I can't believe I've taken these pictures. Hopefully, I'll get a good score, but regardless, I feel like my photography skills have improved dramatically in even just a couple of weeks since I started this class. I tried to address light, focus, and composition, all of which were things I had no idea of just a couple of weeks ago. Not to get ahead of myself; I kn ow they're not pro or anything, it's just that I'm finally getting somewhere! :-)TITLE: Rocks along the Lake, 9/26/09
Rich & Bernie's.I really struggled with which photo to submit for the third picture. I feel like I'm taking a bit of a risk with this one, but I like how the movement of the water contrasts with the solidity of the rocks, and yet the rocks have been shaped by the water, and even modified (wet vs. dry rock). Also, the texture of the rocks echoes the ripples in the water, and the perspective changes in the center of the picture, where the light has bent and you can see under the water. I also like how the shapes in the water are sharp and the rocks a little softer - it's a contrast with the materials themselves. If I were going to photoshop this, I'd blur the rock's edges even more and see if I liked that...