Breathe in, breathe out
Life? A little hectic right now. But good. Things definitely feel like they're moving in the right direction, on several fronts. Getting in shape has been frustrating, as always. It's a simple equation, really, calories in/calories out. But combined with some hormonal issues and lifelong habits that don't serve a fitness goal well... Persistence, just persistence.
In the last few months, I've participated in a book club, and it was my turn to host it recently. We cleaned, bought some nice apƩritifs, set out the chairs. The house looked really nice, and I gotta give props to my man - he rolled up his sleeves and jumped right in. We even got to some of the things that didn't even make it to the list last year because of the wedding, much less actually get done. I'm talking about those things you do two, maybe three times a year, plus the stuff that's done more like once a month, plus the regular chores. Oy, weh, I can't tell you how nice it is to slowly be getting the house under control! Plus, our plumbing crisis has been stopped. We're not done renovating, but we're not in crisis (i.e., water is no longer dripping through the dining room ceiling. I tell you what, no matter how small a drip like that is, it's really NOT ok when it's coming through your dining room ceiling. And it's especially not OK when it is sometimes not that small of a drip!). So, since the plumber rocks, he really is a nice (and almost more importantly, effective) guy, the pressure from that situation is gone.
I also recently went to a women's retreat with my parish. All I can say is, wow! Very spiritual, very powerful, and something I definitely want more of in my life. Hard to be away from Brian (hey, some day, I may be like, honey, don't you have a business trip to go on? but for now, being apart is just new and hard).
About the baby stuff - there's a part of me that wants one quickly. We've been thinking about it for a while. But I just don't know that I'm ready yet. Not all the time, but there are even some evenings when Brian is on the computer or watching something, and I'm knitting or on my computer, and it is soooooo nice. After the craziness of getting our relationship off the ground in the context of his dad's illness and death, and then engagement, and then wedding, it's nice to just chill the heck out. Go to trivia nights. Have friends over for poker night. Book club. Go to the movies whenever we want to. Read, if we want to. No child care, no 15 emergency numbers on the fridge, no infant CPR, no family members butting in (as they will, you know they will), no sleepless nights/weeks/months, or worrying about life insurance and benefits. And we both agree that rushing into things is not what either of us wants, so it's not like this post is meant to contrast Brian's post - we've definitely got baby on the brain. It's just that, once we started talking about finally making it (or trying to make it) happen for real, we're backing off just a little bit, and just for now. Just a nice status quo.
So that's where I'm at right now, breathing it all in, enjoying the newlywed moments. I think I'm going to stay for a while. Even though I could worry if I wanted to, but I don't want to jump into something before I'm ready or he's ready. Hopefully, it won't take too long for us to feel ready! :-)